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As we all know.?‍♀️
We are the sum of our habits. What we routinely do every single day – good or bad, consciously or unconsciously – shapes our character and determines our future.
The level of our success or our failure is rooted in our habits. Until and unless we decide to change for our benefit.

Now sure a question would have raised in your mind how can we identify those habits? How can we change?
And many more.

Drum rolls!!!

We are glad to announce that ????? ?????????? one of the renowned Psychologist, Counsellor, Life coach would be going live with us.

So, You want to know more about habits and behavior.?
Join us for the webinar on YouTube live :https://youtube.com/channel/UCEIRK9-Oj6UUKyAYMTECCIg Facebook live https://www.facebook.com/YUCI7india/
#change #changes #changement #changeup #changeyourstory #bethechange #changeyourlife #climatechange #changeisgood #changetheworld #changeofplans #yuci @yuci7india

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