Country Representatives

Mohamed Amine Benloulou
Mohamed Amine BenloulouCountry Representative Algeria
Honoring attestatin/Minister of Mujahidden and Right Holders Mostaganem
Kindong Princely KafainCountry Representative Cameroon
First Vice President Cameroon National Youth Council, National Coordinator Global Youth Parliament Founder Youth In action Program Cameroon
Delight Abdul Wahab Konneh
Delight Abdul Wahab KonnehCountry Representative Sierra leone
Founder and chief Executive Officer, AHINYE CLAN
Radhika Mia
Radhika MiaCountry Representative South Africa
Author,Artist, Global changemaker,Founder-BreakingstatusQuo
South Africa
Ssempijja Godfrey
Ssempijja GodfreyCountry Representative Uganda
Founder of ST, Charles Lwanga Community training,Youth and Child Empowement at kisubi LCI Mission Cell
Janet Chibamba
Janet ChibambaCountry Representative Zambia
Vice ChairPerson for All Seasons Cooperative